How to Use come back from in a Sentence
come back from
The Nuggets come back from an 0-2 deficit in the best-of-5 series.
—Houston Mitchell, Los Angeles Times, 7 May 2023
But Aird is trying to come back from a stumble of her own.
—Gregory S. Schneider, Washington Post, 30 May 2023
The Raiders come back from their bye week with a 1-4 record and the perfect opponent to get back on track.
—Richard Morin, USA TODAY, 20 Oct. 2022
Tyquan Lewis has worked so hard to come back from injuries in his career.
—The Indianapolis Star, 31 Oct. 2022
Because Russert has come back from his odyssey in a very Washington way: with a book to sell.
—Kara Voght, Washington Post, 4 May 2023
The three-time former Pro Bowler played just four games last season and couldn't come back from a knee injury.
—José M. Romero, The Arizona Republic, 6 Mar. 2023
Strauss had come back from a calf injury then twisted her ankle.
—Lori Riley, Hartford Courant, 29 Oct. 2022
Jessie James, Deion's father, had just come back from his deployment in his work for the Army reserves.
—Richard Obert, The Arizona Republic, 27 Apr. 2023
Has anyone ever been canceled in the age of social media that hasn’t come back from it?
—Jessica Nicholson, Billboard, 11 Aug. 2022
Saturday night’s game in Arlington marked the third time in the past nine meetings that the Aggies have come back from deficits of 14 or more points to win.
—Rex Nelson, Arkansas Online, 27 Sep. 2022
Housemate Xana Kernodle and her boyfriend, Ethan Chapin, had also just come back from a night out elsewhere.
—Michael Ruiz, Fox News, 23 Jan. 2023
As the night wears on, people begin to wonder whether Aaron, Genevieve, James, and Shanae will ever come back from their double date.
—Kristen Baldwin,, 11 Oct. 2022
When all was said and done, the Colts’ loss Sunday largely came down to the two big mistakes from Ryan, and his inability to come back from it and turn around.
—The Indianapolis Star, 23 Oct. 2022
The Warriors were the first reigning champion to come back from behind 2-0 and win a playoff series.
—Janie McCauley,, 3 May 2023
Texas is playing this brilliantly so far and not giving TCU an early deficit to come back from.
—Dallas News, 12 Nov. 2022
The Falcons’ offense never looked disastrous on the other end, but Atlanta isn’t built to come back from a 21-0 deficit.
—Derrik Klassen, New York Times, 23 Oct. 2022
And if a relationship starts on a lie, is there any way to come back from that and live happily ever after?
—, 14 Feb. 2023
The Pioneers are set to have all of their main contributors come back from a junior-heavy squad this season.
—Nate Marrero, Orlando Sentinel, 3 Mar. 2023
Bell said that Votto is way ahead of schedule while noting that Votto’s injury sometimes takes a full year to come back from.
—Charlie Goldsmith, The Enquirer, 24 Apr. 2023
The battles can be overwhelming, and small mistakes may be punished with massive damage that's hard to come back from.
—Samuel Axon, Ars Technica, 10 Dec. 2022
However, the philosophy is don’t sell at the bottom when the market drops, and wait for the index to come back from the decline maybe years later.
—David Thomas, Forbes, 19 Apr. 2023
Featured in Tuesday’s episode, what’s the name given to a fire that smolders underground and threatens to come back from beneath? 4.
—CNN, 23 Feb. 2023
His decision to come back from a brief retirement looks more bewildering by the week.
—Baltimore Sun, 25 Oct. 2022
Get a hotel room for a couple of days, until my auntie, my mama come back from vacation.
—Erika D. Smithcolumnist, Los Angeles Times, 6 Sep. 2022
When guests come back from shopping on nearby Newbury Street, the hotel’s managing director, Michele Grosso, said, their arms are full of bags.
—Jeanna Smialek Tony Luong, New York Times, 25 Nov. 2022
Eventually, the idea is to create enough connecting parcels of longleaf forest to allow those forests and the unique creatures that live in them to come back from the brink of extinction.
—Dennis Pillion | [email protected], al, 12 Feb. 2023
He’s come back from the pandemic with a pair of tour de force shows at the New York Public Library featuring some of the most imaginative, out-of-this-world fashion of his career.
—Maya Singer, Vogue, 11 Aug. 2022
But one thing sports teaches, and especially one like skiing where mistakes and falls happen all the time, is to come back from disappointment.
—Fred Bowen, Washington Post, 19 Jan. 2023
If Alison’s character can come back from the dead, so can other characters.
—Breanna Bell, Variety, 19 Jan. 2023
Paxton is not only trying to come back from his injury, but is doing so with an altered delivery forged over the last 18 months with help from a biomechanist.
—Alex Speier,, 1 Mar. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'come back from.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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